Have been very lazy and not done any blogging at all.... think it is a protest to myself about being back at work, I just can't get out of the holiday mode.
Luckily work has been quite quiet so I have been easing myself in slowly. I did go and see some post natal mums today and had my fix of new gorgeous babies, so I am back in the zone now!!
The house is beginning to empty out... Strange as it has been so busy this last year. Sam left for Glasgow about 10 days ago. He packed all his room into the back of the car and Ian and him set off one Friday evening. I got a call at 10pm to say the car had broken on the M6 . The AA couldn't start it and to cut a long story short the scrap man came yesterday to take it away for us. That's 2 cars in 2 weeks.... not bad! We are now driving a clapped out old golf which is also bound for the scrapman as soon as we get a new motor!! The bank balance is not looking so good!
Anyway Sam is up there now and feels miles off, he seems happy enough but obviously it will take some time to settle in. He was either drunk or hungover last week and now the course has started so not such a drunken week.
Becca is off on Friday to Leeds and then its just Charlie and Jo left. Charlie is trying to find some work to save for Australia trip so he is not around so much either. Poor Jo is just left with us....
We have some lodgers to fill the empty rooms next week and to fill the empty bank balance......
Am really feeling in need of a pick-me -up (stupid really as just had 6 wks off) so have booked myself in for a massage as my shoulders are solid and a friend has just completed a massage course. Also going for my regular session of acupuncture which is also from a friend. I just love it and it really boosts my energy. I find it very helpful pre menstrually as it keeps me more rational....!!!!
Well the season is upon us to start in earnest and I am getting some requests already.... Have gone snood knitting mad and have several lined up in waiting. Also just finishing a pair of gloves for me ...It feels pretty cold first thing when I am out with the dogs at 7.30am. I have a LOT of wool to get thru so need to get those needles clacking. I am tempted to have another go with a patchwork blanket as Sam's came out soooo good!!