Friday, 26 October 2012


Half term starts today and all getting excited about heading off to the Isle of Wight. The long lost children from university are coming home so we will all be together again. Seems like a long time since that last happened. The weather is looking bright and sunny on Sat so BBQ on the beach I think, though a strong cold wind will be blowing so need plenty of woolies to keep warm!

Also we will celebrate our silver wedding anniversary......... Hard to believe really. Just before we got married there was the HUGE hurricane  with trees down everywhere. Sussex was badly affected and for a while it looked lke we might not be able to go ahead with the wedding as there was no power for days running up to the big day.....  Luckily all turned out alright on the night though!!


Sid chillin' and listening to some beats....!!!

Huxley and Sid ruining my fluffy cushions!!

Right then... off to start the day... visiting some teeny, teeny twins at home, both not even 2 kgs!! hope they have put on some weight and then packing and fiddling about.
Cooking a chicken pie for my boy when he gets back from Glasgow.... he said he can't wait for some decent food.......

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