Thursday, 28 March 2013


Lots of babies and lots of my own babies to deal with so have been too busy to sit and write....

Lots of lovely newborns, all doing well, a set of twins, breast feeding pretty well though have tongue ties , the non pooing baby also has a tongue tie, though that has been snipped and both Mum and baby doing well. Another new baby today also with a tongue tie, certainly am getting some experience with that breast feeding problem at the moment!

Anxious times as Charlie off to Australia on Saturday for 4 months , back in July... very exciting for him but with anxieties for him and us, I must say I really don't like the build up to these farewells, I am ok when its over and they are on their way but I am not good at goodbyes and I am feeling somewhat teaful already. I had to say goodbye to his girlfriend earlier today and started to well up then!! poor girl is taking him to the airport. When Becca was away ,for 10 months) she had a compression fracture of her spine there and was airlifted in a helicopter.... that was NOT a good call to receive ...!!!

The east wind is STILL blowing and its FREEZING....... and apparently will be below average temp for the next 30 days!!! There was some sunshine today but just for a little time, some daffodils are trying to come up but it still looks and feels very much like winter. Off to the Isle of Wight for easter for some sea air and dog walks on the beach.

I also have a husband with Man Flu, great timing....
I really am not the most sympathetic person, actually lets rephrase that.... I am not at all sympathetic for colds and after 25 yrs together he has realised that there is No point at all making an attempt to get sympathy from me! Its all those years of nursing and looking after REALLY sick people. All my nursing friends are the same!!

I found this picture on my phone.... two boys and Sid

Have a lovely Easter break and see you after the Isle of Wight

1 comment:

  1. It's tough isn't it, when these big kids of ours move on, but what adventures he will have to tell you about on his return.

    Working with mothers and babies must be so incredibly rewarding :D
