Wednesday 17 April 2013


Last night I was at book club. We were discussing "home" by Maryilynn Robinson, Which I really enjoyed. We had some really good questions to stimulate discussion and we pretty much kept to the topic, which we don't always do. There were lots of lovely snacks and drinks, which I indulged in.... to my peril which I was to discover later on in the night.

I had a couple of cups of tea, I usually drink decaff but this was caffeinated and I also began working my way through a bowl of pineapple. We finished late and I climbed into bed about 11.30 and picked up my book... " a fault in our stars" An hour later I was still reading, wide awake!! the book is great, a rather sad story of a teen romance between cancer sufferers. Pn the face of it , I can see it doesnt sound very appealing, but it is well written in a touching and funny style and i have completely fallen for the characters. Sensibility took the better of me and I turned the light off and went to sleep.

I woke a couple of hours later worrying that Charlie, ( in Oz) , was going to be eaten by a sea water crocodile...!!! Ridiculous it sounds now but at 3am I couldn't shake it. I must of dropped off eventually but woke a while later with the same thought and also violent indigestion. As i lay awake with my thoughts I realised I was listening to the dawn chorus, how beautiful that is and something I haven't heard for a while. I drifted , toying with the idea of getting up to make a peppermint tea, as the birds sang me back to sleep. As a bad nights sleep goes, at least there was happy end to it!!

Now setting off to the breast feeding workshop... arghhhhh. Just walked the dogs, a circus has just moved on from the park so lots of lovely smells left for the dogs. Huxley fancied smelling of horse poo and had a god roll there. However he is now smelling of peach shower gel with coconut conditioner with a faint undertone of poo!!

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