Tuesday 22 January 2013


WEll, we have had some weather here in London

It has snowed very lightly for a couple of days and ended up with quite a decent covering, certainly enough to make a reasonable snow man. Everything looks soooo pretty for a while!

Of course all the trains were messed up and so Monday morning meant it was impoosible for Joseph to get nto to school.... so another day off for him. Of course he was delighted and spent most of the day outside and the rest asleep in front of the fire so a very good day for him.!!

He was up and off though this morning and looks like the trains are all ok ish.... this morning!!


Choir last night and only a few turned up so it means you are quite exposed..... to say the least!I can more or less hold a tune if I am singing along with someone and there wasn't anyone to sing along with in a couple of tunes so I sort of fade away.....
 Anyway we managed and it is so good for the soul and lifts my spirits  for a few days after!

Off to work now, see if I can quickly walk the dogs in the field just up the road, I have just had a HUGE bowl of granola and after "fasting" yesterday am feeling very, very full and need to walk off some of it.
Ante natal clinic today and not  too busy, i am waiting for a rush of babies to be born over the next couple of weeks. There has been a bit of a baby boom after  50 shades of grey!!!

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